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Small Claims Court

The vast majority of legal issues faced by individuals today are not those that will turn into complex multi-party litigation.

In fact, the majority of claims are handled at the small claims court level.

However even when a person is preparing for a small claims court issue it can be beneficial to speak with an experienced attorney or to partner with this attorney for representation in the case.

Small Claims Court

Small Claims Court Decisions

Although small claims court typically decides issues that do not have as much at stake financially for the party filing the case. This can still be an important legal issue that can help to rectify a wrong.

Some of the most important questions asked by a person contemplating moving forward with small claims court include:

  • Assuming a lawsuit is my only or my best option. Will I be able to collect if I actually win?
  • Am I comfortable with the idea of going to mediation or working towards a compromised settlement?
  • Do I have a good case?

The most common cases heard in small claims court include:

Do you have a case?

Gavel on desk with judge

One of the most critical questions here is whether or not you have a good case.

It helps to know that you can speak to an experienced lawyer in this situation and determine whether or not it is worth pursuing a small claims court issue.

In some situations, your initial conversation or consultation with the lawyer can help to illuminate some of the down sides of going to small claims court as well as what is expected of you if you do move forward with the small claims court.


When you understand the legal elements that must be present in order to file a lawsuit, you can more fairly evaluate your case and determine your next steps. Having a conversation with a lawyer in advance can allow you to prepare your materials more effectively and reduce your own anxiety.

Self Representation

When you are representing yourself in small claims court having the benefit of reaching out to someone to run your case by him or her and to get some insights about the preparation process can be invaluable.


While you may not need to engage an attorney for a long term situation such as representing you in court, having a phone call or an initial face-to-face consultation with an attorney who understands this area of the law and who has seen cases like this before, can give you an idea of what to expect.

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Consult with a Lawyer

Once you become a member, you can consult with a lawyer in your area or the area you need assistance with in addition to utilizing all the legal plan benefits.
