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Personal Legal Plan


FREE & Discounted Legal Services

$24.95 /month

+ $10 one-time enrollment fee

Real Estate Attorney
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FREE Legal Services

In certain situations, attorney liability may require plan attorneys to ask for a retainer from the member prior to providing some of the Free Legal Services.

Initial phone consultation for each new legal matter (no time limit).

Initial in-person consultations for each new legal matter (no time limit).

Review of independent legal documents (6 page maximum per document, no limit to the number of new independent documents).

When deemed appropriate by your legal plan attorney, he or she will write letters on your behalf (one letter per legal matter, with no limit on the number of new legal matters).

When deemed appropriate by your legal plan attorney, he or she will make phone calls on your behalf (one phone call per legal matter, with no limit on the number of new legal matters).

Plan attorneys will prepare a free Simple Will for you and your family, as well as update the Will annually for free.  Learn more

A state specific, web based, free Living Will form is available to Members. This form can be notarized by a Notary Public.

Assistance in solving problems with government programs, such as INS and welfare.

Our attorneys will help Members to represent themselves in small claims court.

Phone Consultations

Initial phone consultation for each new legal matter (no time limit).

Document Review

Review of independent legal documents (6 page maximum per document, no limit to the number of new independent documents).

Government Program Assistance

Assistance in solving problems with government programs, such as INS and welfare.

Attorney Made Phone Calls

When deemed appropriate by your legal plan attorney, he or she will make phone calls on your behalf (one phone call per legal matter, with no limit on the number of new legal matters).

Face-to-Face Consultationa

Initial face-to-face consultations for each new legal matter (no time limit).

FREE Simple & Living Will

Plan attorneys will prepare a FREE Simple Will and FREE Living Will for you and your family, as well as update the Simple Will annually for free.

Small Claims Court Assistance

Our attorneys will help Members to represent themselves in small claims court.

Attorney Written Letters

When deemed appropriate by your legal plan attorney, he or she will write letters on your behalf (one letter per legal matter, with no limit on the number of new legal matters).

Deeply Discounted Legal Services

The following are commonly used legal services for which plan attorneys have agreed to charge a one-time, deeply discounted fee.  The fees listed below are only for legal services rendered.  Court costs, filing fees, administrative expenses and time charged for travel to and from any courts are additional.

Legal Service

Traffic Ticket Defense

Simple Will w/Minors Trust

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Non-Support (Spouse/Child)

Uncontested Divorce

Small Business Incorporation

Personal Real Estate Closing

















Legal Service

Traffic Ticket Defense

Simple Will with Minors Trust

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Non-Support (Spouse/Child)

Uncontested Divorce

Small Business Incorporation

Personal Real Estate Document Review

Member Rate








Non-Member Rate








Reduced Hourly Rate

Plan attorneys have contracted to charge 40% off their normal hourly rate, with a minimum of $125 per hour, for legal care beyond the free and discounted services.  Court costs, filing fees and time charged for travel to and from any courts are additional.

Retainers:  In the case of extended legal care, plan attorneys may ask you for a retainer.   Any retainer sought will be computed by multiplying the number of hours a plan attorney believes a case will take, by the appropriate discounted hourly plan rate.

For Instance

10 hours x $125.00 = a retainer of $1,250.00. Any unused portion of the retainer will be returned to the member.

Contingency Fee Discounts

The contingency fee discount will be a 10% reduction of the state maximum rate or the attorney’s usual rate, whichever is lower.

Online Legal Forms

Access to a wide-ranging selection of free self-service forms that may be downloaded and completed to create legally valid documents.  Forms are state specific and include:

In addition to a comprehensive inventory of free forms, you may purchase and download a vast array of self-service forms from our catalog at a substantially discounted price.

Tax Preparation & Advice:

All tax and financial assistance is provided by tax attorneys, financial analysts, CPA’s, former auditors and/or Enrolled Agents certified by the IRS. Additionally, all tax and financial advice is backed by a $1 million liability policy.

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  • Unlimited advice for personal and business matters on federal taxation via toll-free phone call/fax/e-mail (no time or frequency limitations)
  • Free mail-in tax return preparation (includes 1040EZ, 1040A, and 1040)*
  • Receive a discount off of tax returns prepared by H & R Block®
  • Discounted preparation of all schedules that accompany the form 1040*
  • IRS audit assistance
  • Tax professionals will review any notice or letter issued by the IRS and provide advice on how to understand and solve the matter.
  • Access to a web-based IRS audit tutorial, as well as an IRS notification tutorial.
  • IRS notification assistance
  • Tax planning
  • Review of prior year’s tax return*
  • Member portal with tax tips, tax law changes, tax organization area, IRS audit area, IRS notification area and member advice on-line

* Limit one (1) per household.
** For new H&R Block clients only. A new client is a person who did not use H&R Block offices services to prepare their prior year return. Not valid on federal form 1040EZ and related forms. Valid only at participating US offices. Void if sold, purchased or transferred, and where prohibited. Offer must be presented prior to completion of initial tax office interview and may not be combined with any other offer, discount or special promotion or pricing program. Valid only for tax prep fees for an original personal income tax return. © 2009 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

Financial Education & Credit Counseling

This component of the Personal Legal Plan provides you and your family with personalized financial and credit counseling services 24/7, 365 days per year.  We provide access to counseling and financial education through a variety of delivery methods including telephone, online tools and live chat sessions.

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Whether you are renting or buying a home, having problems with debt, or setting up a trust, this financial education program is designed to provide you and your family with the tools necessary to make better financial decisions.  Personal financial guidance and education is provided by over 1,000 experienced financial counselors.

The following is an outline of the free services included with this program:

Free Consultations

  • A complete financial assessment will include a review and analysis of your household income, expenses, assets and liabilities.

Credit & Debt Counseling by Certified Credit Counselors

A credit counselor takes the time to thoroughly understand and assess current credit and debt issues.  They will:

  • Assist in creating a livable budget to balance income and expenses
  • Provide specific advice on how to deal with creditors
  • Offer money management and budgeting techniques to help gain control of finances
  • Develop a comprehensive spending plan
  • Create an action plan to become debt free
“Ask Susan” Online Counseling Sessions

A unique opportunity to receive a personalized response to questions on subjects such as loans, budgeting, credit reporting, collections, dealing with debt, and much more.  E-mail your questions to receive a personal response on these and other financial subjects.

Housing Advisory Services

  • Advice covering first time home ownership, affordable mortgages and refinancing
  • Post purchase counseling
  • Reverse mortgages – what are they and how do they work

Online Tools & Articles

Access online articles designed to inform, assist, educate and alert you in all areas of credit, money management and how to get help.

  • Online tools for budgeting
  • Articles designed to help make smart financial decisions- Articles designed to help with family financial and purchasing decisions- Hotlinks to a wide variety of consumer resources on topics such as lending, credit reports, credit cards and vehicle purchasing and financing
  • Easy-to-use online calculators to help get finances back on track. Calculators are available to help with budgeting, and vehicle and home financing
  • Tests and quizzes to gain a better understanding of how to improve money management skills

Money Choices

Five private self-paced courses, presented by Visa, that teach the skills needed for smart money management.

Identity Theft Solutions

Our unique identity theft solution provides you with all the components necessary to restore your identity, and prevent future incidences of identity theft.  All work done on your behalf is performed by qualified paralegals.  Our program takes a completely hands on approach to identity theft restoration.

You will have 24/7, 365 days per year access to Identity Theft Restoration Advocates who will provide you with comprehensive, personalized recovery services.

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You will also receive up to $25,000 worth of identity theft insurance coverage underwritten by a nationally recognized Insurance Carrier with an “A” or better AM Best Rating.

This coverage will help offset some of the cost of restoring your identity to its original status including:

  • Lost wages: $500.00 per week, for 4 weeks maximum
  • Re-filing of loans
  • Defense cost for certain civil & criminal law suits
  • Reimbursement of fees:  Reasonable and necessary costs incurred in the United States by the insured for:

a) Re-filing applications for loans, grants or other credit instruments that are rejected solely as a result of a stolen identity incident

b) Notarizing affidavits or other similar documents, long distance telephone calls and postage solely as a result of the insured’s efforts to report a stolen identity incident and/or amend or rectify records as to the insured’s true name or identity as a result of a stolen identity event

c) Up to six credit reports from established credit bureaus (with no more than two reports from any one credit bureau) dated within 12 months after the insured’s discovery of a stolen identity incident.

* The description herein is a summary only.  It does not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy described.  Please refer to the actual policy for complete details of coverage and exclusions.  Coverage not available to residents of New York and may not be available in other jurisdictions. Insurance coverage is limited only to the member

Upon notification of an identity theft incident, Privacy Advocates will act on behalf of our members as a dedicated case manager to:

  • Investigate and confirm the fraudulent activity, including known, unknown and potentially complicated additional sources of identity theft.
  • Complete and mail customized, pre-populated, state specific “Fraud Packet” via certified mail with pre-paid return instructions.
  • Place phone calls, send electronic notifications, and prepare appropriate documentation on the member’s behalf, including dispute letters for defensible complaints to any and all appropriate state agencies and financial institutions.
  • Issue fraud alerts and victim statements when necessary, with the three consumer credit reporting agencies, the FTC, SSA, and U.S. Postal Service.
  • Submit Special Limited Power of Attorney and ID Theft Affidavit to involved creditors for card cancellation and new card issuance.
  • Contact, follow up and escalate issues with affected agencies, creditors, financial institutions, to reinforce member’s rights.
  • Assist the member in notifying local law enforcement authorities to file the appropriate official reports.
  • Utilize real time access to public records reports including DMV, criminal, address changes, liens, and judgments for further investigation where applicable.
  • Provide peace of mind and resolution of key issues from start to finish as swiftly as possible.
  • Provide members with a “Case Completion Kit” including copies of documentation, correspondence, forms and letters for their personal records.

Privacy Advocates will assist members in the event their credit cards are misplaced or stolen.

Privacy Advocates will:

  • Consult with member to determine the severity of the event
  • Obtain credit reports from each of the three major credit
  • Contact each credit card company or other financial institution with the member via teleconference.
  • Cancel members affected credit cards
  • Request new replacement cards
  • Place fraud alerts with all three major credit bureaus
  • Assist members with interpreting their credit reports
  • Provide daily ID monitoring for six months to help proactively prevent any additional identity fraud
  • Provide credit dispute assistance

Assistance with additional lost items including driver’s license, library, and other membership cards.

Identity Monitoring searches and monitors for past history as well as real time identity frauds or threats.

This service includes:

  • Secure, hassle-free identity monitoring
  • Actionable identity alerts

Our Identity Monitoring does much more than monitor credit, offering a solution as robust as the ones used by the nation’s leading financial institutions to prevent theft.  Identity Monitoring uses innovative technology to detect misuse or even an elevated likelihood for misuse of an individual’s Social Security number, name, address, phone, and date of birth.

By creating a SNAPD identity blueprint, this program monitors billions of data on a daily basis from sources such as:

  • New Credit Cards
  • Wireless Carrier Applications
  • Retail Credit Card Accounts
  • Automobile Loans
  • Mortgage Loans
  • Payday Loans
  • Checking Accounts and Check Reorders
  • Utility Accounts
  • DMV Records
  • Government Databases
  • Real Estate Records
  • Court Records
  • Criminal Records
  • Social Security Records

** Identity Monitoring coverage is limited only to the member.

As identity fraud usually precedes identity theft, this type of proactive system is critical to mitigating the extensive and expensive damage perpetrated after an identity is stolen and manipulated.

Our unique program is the only one in the country that provides you with a software tool that helps prevent identity theft.

Keyloggers are self propagating viruses that steal your keystrokes, and the information contained, as you navigate the Internet.  Our Keylogging Defense System™ helps proactively prevent online identity theft by encrypting every keystroke at the keyboard level and then reroutes those encrypted keystrokes directly to your Internet browser.

Our Keylogging Defense System™ bypasses the multiple communication areas that are normally vulnerable to keylogging attacks that could compromise your vital information.

With our defense system, members can now browse, access critical business applications, shop and bank online with confidence knowing that each and every keystroke is encrypted and not being transmitted to an awaiting Identity Thief.

You and your family will have toll free access to behavioral health experts 24/7, 365 days a year.  All calls are answered directly by licensed, degreed clinical staff, and all services are handled with complete confidentiality.

Life Events provides you and your family with telephonic counseling for marital, parent-child, substance abuse, emotional, legal/financial, childcare, and eldercare problems, as well as many other personal challenges or stresses.  You and your family are entitled to unlimited telephonic counseling per episode.

Woman enrolling online for a prepaid legal plan.

Become a Member

Once you become a member, you can consult with a lawyer in your area or the area you need assistance with in addition to utilizing all the legal plan benefits.
